When was the last time you gave thought to your testes?
It’s probably something you don’t think about very often.
Why would you?
You’ve never been told there were products that would work well for your little boys.
On the other hand, large personal grooming product companies tell you everyday that you should scrub here, deodorize there, but in their effort to provide products everyone needs, they have avoided the taboo areas that likely need the most help.
Let’s talk about the issues inherent in your junk a bit.
Like your armpits, your crotch is an area of massive perspiration. In fact, due to it’s location, in some cases it gets more combined perspiration than both your armpits combined–especially for the desk-working man. Swamp butt is synonymous with swamp junk.
And, if you’re into manscaping–you know the cowardly process of removing all of your bodily hair–further exacerbates the problem by removing the very tool that helps reduce friction.
Not to mention the friction and chaffing that occurs in the most active, sports-loving men among us.
Finally, we have produced a product that solves:
- The friction
- The chafe
- The virus and bacteria
- The stank
Did we mention it provides a cool refreshment for the wayward traveler?
Stop making your testicles an afterthought. Think ahead. Get yourself some scrotum spray and take care of the nuts that take care of you.
Table of Contents
Pros and Cons of Shaving Your Testicles (with a Safety Razor)
With manscaping your entire body all the rage these days, it may be worthwhile to take into consideration all aspects relating to shaving your junk. The process is not as “cut and dry” (pun intended) as many would suppose. Any time you consider taking a sharp item to your loose and tenders, you may want to think twice about the downside scenarios such a predicament presents. The risk is enhanced when men consider shaving their nether regions with nothing more than a standard double-edge safety razor.
The Pros of Shaving Your Testicles with a Safety Razor
Trimming and wet shaving your groin with the help of a good safety razor, certainly has at least a few hygienic and other benefits. Here we list just a few:
- Many men love the feel of their freshly shaven happy trail down to the scrotum. It’s especially invigorating for things like running, swimming and special time in the sack.
- The ladies also claim to love a man with a hairless, body including private parts, but they prefer it not to be executed in excess.
- Fewer men love the look, but many still appreciate seeing their trouser snake in all its bare glory.
- It will give the false appearance that your penis is larger. It has been rightly claimed that trimming the outlying shrubbery makes the hedge seem taller, but unfortunately the height is what it is and little can effectively be done to change that. Just ask Austin Powers.
- Having trimmed pubic hair can help reduce the stank of a rank scrotum and undercarriage. Less surface area for bacteria to grow and thrive means less opportunity for odor. Keep in mind, however, that trimming up shop does not now eliminate your need for proper hygiene, including a shower.
- A safety razor does not pull and tug like a cartridge razor. No matter how much you pre-trim with an electric razor, the likelihood of uncomfortable pulling and tugging is high.
- More customize-able shave. The safety razor allows for a more customized length. If you want to avoid razor burn by not trimming too close to the skin, just do a single-pass trim to eliminate the hairs. Want something closer? Just run another pass over the area.
- More customize-able pre-shave. In addition, most wet shavers also maintain a larger number of nice smelling shaving soaps and shaving creams. Not required for a great sack-shave, but they can be a nice addition if you are looking to ensure shaving your privates is as comfortable as scrotum-ly possible.
The Cons of Shaving Your Testicles with a Safety Razor 
As a fairly broad term, manscaping can mean either a simple trim with the clippers or a complete wet shave of the groin. There is a big difference, particularly as it relates to doing so with a safety razor. How you approach your pubic hair trim, will depend on personal preferences. Here are some of the cons to consider in doing so.
- Shaving your junk can increase friction. Hair serves many purposes, one of which is to reduce friction and chaff-age between the balls and the inner thigh. You can substitute this issue with testicle lubricants, but then you’re just adding yet another “product” that is wholly unnecessary to start with. Friction can be especially aggregious if you like to do active things like running, biking or sex.
- Ingrown hairs are not fun, especially down there. When friction increases and hairs start to regrow, the likelihood of razor bumps and razor burn are higher down there, not only because of the friction, but because the hairs themselves typically course and curly, which means the likelihood they will become ingrown is much higher.
- Once you shave, you will have to do it again unless you want the uncomfortable regrowth–something lovingly referred to as the pickle prickle.
- Maintenance will require additional product, above just a bar of soap. This will likely cost you more in the long run. Things like medicated powders, oils and lubes will likely all be needed to reduce friction and the potential for other issues as you hair regrows.
- The potential for scrotum cuts. The downside of trimming up shop down there with a cartridge razor is the pulling and tugging of the multi-blade cartridge. The downside risk of a safety razor is the greater potential for cuts. The tuft on top may come off easy, but as you get into the ins and outs of some of the other areas, the level of difficulty and complexity of the shave increases. Furthermore, the skin on the testicles themselves is not exactly taught and smooth. In fact, it’s likely the least taught and least smooth skin on the entirety of the male anatomy, making shaving it, particularly with a safety razor a difficult feat, at best. It is advised that you get comfortable with shaving your face with a safety razor before venturing to other more tender areas. Shaving with a safety razor is not nearly as dangerous as attempting it with a straight razor, but it still has its skin-cutting risks.
Why You Shouldn’t SHave Your Balls
New masculine consumer trends are leading more men to take up the torch of manscaping. In doing so, some men are simply trimming the more publicly-visible areas (like the arms, legs, chest and underarms), while some are taking it to the extreme, including shaving their testicles. But, there are arguably many reasons to completely avoid shaving your balls altogether. We will discuss just a few of those here.
Your Balls Were Never Meant to Be Shaved
Of all the external parts on the male anatomy that naturally grow hair, the testicles are the area that is perhaps the least friendly to getting scraped with a razor. In fact, if you were to take a poll with the provoking question, “which area of the human body would be the least likely to get shaved?” the answer would most likely come back as the scrotum. Here are a few reasons why:
- It’s a sensitive area. If the balls were meant to be shaved, they should have been made out of walnut or oak, but alas they are very sensitive.
- The hair is there for a reason. More on this later, but evolution put the hair there for a good reason. Why remove what nature has been so kind to provide?
- The skin is too loose. A big strategy in shaving any hair is to ensure the skin you are cutting against is as taut as possible. The saggy, wrinkled skin of the scrotum is the least favorable for running a very sharp razor across. Getting the skin tight down there is a skill some have not yet mastered.
- They’re private. They’re called “privates” for a reason. Very few are going to see them and if they see them in a shaved state, expecting something different, it might cause gawking.
If balls were meant to be shaved, they would already come without hair. Yes, the same could be said for faces, but the difficulty differential in shaving a face vs. your balls is substantial.
**News Flash** — Balls Are Hairy
While this may sound like the obvious statement of the century, it is important to realize that the male genitalia is probably one of the hairiest areas on any human being, inch-for-inch. That means the hair and cleanup requirements after a manscaping session of your little boys is going to be significant. You probably can’t just wash the hair down the drain as it could clog.
Shaving down there is more likely to leave stray short curly hairs in your bathroom, shower and even in your underpants, depending on where, when and how you performed your manscaping duties.
Shaving your balls is ill advised if you don’t want to clean up a hairy mess of pubes.
Shaving Your Balls Holds Inherent Risk
It goes without saying, but shaving your balls has specific and inherent risks associated. Both the scrotal skin and the accompanying “package” housed therein are tender items. Hurting one can cause direct damage to the other and irritate the general region. Taking a sharp object, whether it’s electric razor, a cartridge razor or a straight razor (please say, “no!”), holds risks to both your scrotum and testicles.
Unless you intend on manscaping your balls with a straight razor, the risk of you pulling one of these is greatly diminished, but that still doesn’t mean you do not run the risk of cutting yourself. A cut to the raisins may take more time to heal, but the sweat and chaffing down there could leave you walking bow-legged for days, or longer.
Public hair is also more susceptible to razor bumps and razor burn because the hair is naturally more curly. Believe me, a nick to the nads is not what you want.
No One Cares About Your Boys
Because your privates are most certainly meant to stay private, the number of people that are going to see your twig and berries is going to be relatively small. So, if your motivation for shaving your balls is strictly aesthetics, you may want to rethink shaving if only a handful of people might appreciate a tightly-groomed genital region.
Given that few people will see them and likely an even fewer still will appreciate the time spent or the aesthetics gained from a nice trimming, the hassle of going through the prickly stage of shaving down is likely not worth the risk.
In fact, it is more than likely that those viewing a completely groomed pair may be taken aback when they expect to see something different (i.e. hair) than the bald rat appearing before them.
Balls Were Not Meant to Be Attractive
Those that see and care may hold more weight, but when it comes to your balls, I would opt for function over form. There is quite literally nothing you can do to improve the look and aesthetics of the male anatomy. It is what it is. A little less hair is likely going to make it look even more weird, not less especially if anyone seeing it is expecting to see the latter.
Do yourself a favor, if you manscape, do so with care and caution, perhaps trimming your pubic hair around your testicles and penis, but don’t shave it. Everyone around you will thank you.
The Dangling Conclusion
In short, there is a reason nature put hair on and around our scrotum. In some cases, nature is best left in its natural state. My personal preference is the occasional trim with s quality pair of electric trimmers, but I am too much of a sissy to risk taking a very sharp blade to perhaps the most tender area of my body. For those that like to turn their lion’s mane into a mouse head, that’s totally up to your own personal preference.
What’s your manscaping and testicle trimming and shaving routine? What works? What doesn’t?