As a child, you probably watched your father shave. You likely marveled at how easy the art of shaving appeared: apply the shaving cream, wet the face, and go to work.
Now that you have grown, you probably have realized that shaving isn’t quite as easy as it appeared as a child.
You might also be dealing with shaving issues, such as blemishes, breakouts, nicks and cuts, and even razor burn.
Shavers of all ages and experience levels have questions about getting the best shave. In this article, we will review some of the most common shaving questions (that you might be too embarrassed to ask), as well as attempt to demystify some common shaving conundrums.
Table of Contents
- How do I Avoid or Treat Ingrown Hairs?
- Should I Shave With or Against the Grain?
- Does Shaving Frequently Cause Hair to Grow Darker and Thicker?
- Are Five Blades Better Than One?
- My Facial Hair Grows Unevenly, How Can I Fix It?
- Why Should I Use a Shaving Brush?
- What is the Best Shaving Cream?
- How Often Should I Change Blades?
- Get a Better Shave
How do I Avoid or Treat Ingrown Hairs?
Ingrown hairs are why many men dislike wet shaving. However, the good news is that ingrown hair prevention and treatment is possible. A good exfoliation routine minimizes the frequency at which ingrown hairs appear.
If you notice an ingrown hair, avoid digging at it to remove the hair. Instead, allow it sufficient time to heal naturally. If it’s particularly bothersome, then use properly-sanitized tweezers to remove it, or pay a visit to your dermatologist.
Maintaining proper cleanliness of the skin—and the ingrown hair—can help prevent worsening the infection.
Should I Shave With or Against the Grain?
Always shave with the grain. There are a few reasons for this… Most importantly, shaving with the grain reduces instances of cuts, nicks, razor burn, and ingrown hair. Shaving with the grain helps keep hair and skin healthy.
Limit shaving against the grain for hard-to-reach spots or tricky angles. Everyone’s facial curvatures are different. With practice and time, you will learn where those tricky angles are for you.
Does Shaving Frequently Cause Hair to Grow Darker and Thicker?
This is a myth. Yes, you might notice that the color of your hair on your face and chin is a darker—or perhaps lighter—shade than your hair. This is because the natural pigment of facial hair is different than your head.
Keeping your facial skin healthy promotes strong hair follicles but shaving itself has no effect on a hair’s hue and thickness.
Are Five Blades Better Than One?
The convenience of cartridge razors comes with serious disadvantages. Cartridges are expensive to replace, and multiple blades cause more shaving blemishes than single blades. This is because multiple blades glide over the same area, creating friction. Friction is the leading cause of razor burn and ingrown hair. However, using a single blade reduces friction, which ultimately reduces blemishes and breakouts.
My Facial Hair Grows Unevenly, How Can I Fix It?
The easy answer is to shave every day. Different levels of testosterone affect hair growth. Shave every day or using a beard trimmer to keep hair even. The shorter your facial hair is, the less patchy your face will look.
Why Should I Use a Shaving Brush?
Shaving brushes apply shaving cream while lifting hair and removing dirt. Lifting hair is a good thing as it makes it easier to cut. Removing dirt from facial skin reduces shaving blemishes and possible infections.
Many serious shavers prefer to use and favor badger brushes. However, if you are leery about using badger brushes (either due to cost or animal cruelty), synthetic brushes also work efficiently.
What is the Best Shaving Cream?
Here is a secret: The best shaving cream is not in a can. The chemicals in canned shaving cream can dry out your skin. Dry skin is not only painful, but it also increases blade friction.
So, can the can, and opt for using a tubed shaving cream. These shaving creams are usually made with natural products and are higher quality than canned shaving cream. They nourish your face long after the blade has cut the hair.
How Often Should I Change Blades?
Daily shavers should change blades at least once per week. Less frequent shavers can get away with using one blade longer. Never shave with a dull blade. Rather than making a clean cut, a dull blade will pull at the hair. Again, this isn’t only painful, but it can leave you with plenty of shaving blemishes.
If you aren’t sure whether or not it’s time to replace a blade, then err on the side of caution. It’s always better to replace blades too early than too late.
Get a Better Shave
Shaving doesn’t have to be a scary, difficult, or annoying process. In fact, shaving should be the exact opposite. It should be enjoyable and comforting. The more educated you are about shaving technique, frequency, and products, the better the shave.
All in all, following the advice provided above in this article will surely help you find your way to a better shave.